Brittney Stokes has a decade of experience working with adults navigating the highs and lows of life. Life has a funny way of forcing you into yourself. The multitude of hardships we as humans face can weigh on us; sometimes it challenges the best and worst of us. Whatever circumstance you may be in no matter how big or small you may think it is; if you find yourself considering needing a professional to talk things over with... Follow that intuitive thought. This is a safe space to be reminded of who you are...or find out who you are. Brittney takes a personalized goal-oriented approach with her clients, understanding that therapy is not one size fits all.
My goal is your goal. My focus is that you are able to present yourself authentically to the world with coping mechanisms that will help you better understand yourself and the people you encounter throughout life.
motivational interviewing, cognitive-behavioral, mindfulness, strength-based, solution based, dialectual, empowerment
My greatest strength is helping people walk confidently in this world as the individuals they believe themselves to be. As well as, accepting that duality (the good and the not-so-good) in life and in themselves are necessary for their growth.