I view us as the ultimate team! You are the expert of your own life story. I am here to help you rewrite the parts that don't quite fit with the version of yourself you want to be. Using empathy and humor, we will work together to redefine the narrative you have of yourself into one you are proud to take ownership of.
We will talk about what we want our relationship to look like and how I can be most helpful in making sure you are getting what you need out of therapy. You do not have to tell me your full life story in the first hour! I find it is helpful to talk about what you are hoping to gain from therapy up front before we dive into the details.
I love listening to people and hearing your stories. I have an approachable style and I pride myself on talking to clients like a person, not regurgitating a textbook at you! I am nonjudgmental and am very encouraging of feedback during sessions. If I'm interpreting something you are saying in a way that doesn't feel quite right, please feel comfortable calling me on it! You are the expert on you, I'm just here to help walk you through healing older parts and discovering new ones.
I love working with those who are undergoing life transitions. Whether you're starting college, a new relationship, a new business or a new job, it can be challenging to navigate the intersection of past, present and future. I am LGBTQ+ friendly!
We all have stories about ourselves that have been crafted by others or crafted by our own perceptions. Through our work together, we will challenge those narratives that are holding you back and work to create new narratives that more closely align with your truth.