Hello. I am a licensed clinical social worker with over 15 years of experience working in a clinical setting with youth, adults, couples and geriatrics with complex, chronic and acute mental health issues including trauma, addiction, depression, anxiety, insomnia, eating disorders, complex grief and adjustment issues among others. I am based in Florida however am dually licensed to treat individuals in both, Florida and Washington. I offer evidence based psychotherapy which is a collaborative effort that will focus on catering to your needs and preferences while also challenging unhealthy and destructive beliefs and coping strategies that keep you stuck. We will work together to develop an individualized treatment plan that incorporates your beliefs, values and needs for intervention and ultimately helps you achieve your goals for change.
After completing an in depth evaluation of your history, current symptoms and concerns as well as goals for therapy; I will offer information and education on the various treatment options you can choose from and estimated time frame for recovery/prognosis based on your current skills, coping strategies and support system. Your spiritual and/or religious preferences can also be incorporated into your individualized treatment plan going forward. You will have the opportunity to ask questions, voice concerns and assist with tailoring your treatment to your needs to increase the likelihood of achieving success through healing, growth and sustained recovery in the future.
The word trauma comes from the Greek word meaning "wound". Our wounds can be physical, psychological and also spiritual. "Trauma is not about what happened to you but rather what happened inside of you as a result of what happened to you" - Dr. Gabor Mate, MD. Thankfully, we serve a God who heals! By working collaboratively with me as your therapist; you will gain the tools and insights to further understand how past adverse experiences directly impact your current challenges from interpersonal, professional and spiritual areas of your life. My work is an extension of His promise that fear, pain and suffering can be overcome through caring relationships. By His wounds we are healed.
I use a variety of therapeutic modalities to address a variety of issues. I believe what makes therapy successful is the relationship you form with your therapist. Therefore, my approach is to create a safe, and empowering environment for you to feel supported, educated and empowered to achieve your goals.
I've received extensive training, consultation, formal certification and have had over ten years of experience with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in treating Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, Substance Abuse and Eating Disorders.
Faith based counseling is offered in congruence with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for patients who belong to the Christian faith and wish to incorporate Biblical teachings and practices into their treatment plan.
Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depression or IPT-D is offered to patients who find that their mood and overall functioning is significantly impaired as a result of the quality and/or quantity of their interpersonal relationships. This treatment also offers space to treat complex grief, role transitions, role disputes and long term isolation.
Simple, complex and chronic trauma treatment is utilized as deemed appropriate within all treatment modalities.
An attachment-based approach to therapy looks at the connection between one's early childhood development, attachment experiences and delayed/missed developmental milestones and their impact on one's current challenges with significant relationships. Incorporating attachment based therapy interventions can lead to restoring and forming healthy emotional and physical relationships as an adult by learning how to set and maintain healthy boundaries, communicate one's needs and wants and also learn when to disconnect or walk away from unhealthy, unfulfilling relationships that cause harm to one's mental, physical or spiritual health.