I truly believe that there are distinct patterns to much of our behavior and our thinking. Some of these patterns may have developed over many years as defense mechanisms or coping skills. Many others are learned from our environments. Regardless, we often don't even realize what these patterns are, or how they are playing out in our lives, because they are so ingrained within us. As a therapist, I like to help you identify and deconstruct these patterns to find out which ones are benefitting you and which ones are creating barriers to your goals. Once we know how we "tick," we can figure out ways to create new, healthier patterns for our lives. I studied at the University of Florida in Gainesville where I earned both a Masters and Specialist degrees in Mental Health Counseling. I also trained at the Gestalt Center of Gainesville during my graduate studies. Additionally, I am a Registered Nurse in Emergency/Critical Care services.
During our first session, we will begin to get to know each other. I like to give you the opportunity to speak openly about the things in your life that brought you to therapy. There is no prescribed way to do this; no rules; no expectations. You say what you have to say, and we start to dig in a little bit. This first conversation helps me to tailor a plan for our future work together.
Research shows that 75% of all client change in therapy is attributed to the RELATIONSHIP between the therapist and the client, not the interventions, the theoretical orientation to counseling, or any trendy new gimmick. I am not a gimmick person. Who I am in session is the same person I am at home, with my friends, in the grocery store, etc. I like to be as congruent and authentic as possible and I like to model this for my clients. I believe that honesty, authenticity, and congruence are the cornerstones of recovery. Many therapists, whether they like to admit it or not, are uncomfortable confronting their clients on the issues that keep them stuck. I believe that it is not my job to co-sign on your maladaptive behaviors or to pat you on the back and create false “feel good” moments. Instead, I am here to challenge them, frustrate them, and help you create momentum to move out of a stuck place and into full, active participation in your life. Of course all of this is done together in a sacred space full of mutual respect and compassion. Real, lasting change requires facing the hard stuff. I’m not afraid to face the hard stuff with you. If you cannot use insurance and the financial commitment to therapy is daunting, don't worry about that. We can work out a payment option that fits your situation.
Adults, elderly, anxiety, depression, adjustment disorder, burn out, relationship problems.
I was trained from a humanistic and Gestalt framework. Much of that training is also informed by liberation psychology principles. All of that is just to say that you have many parts that make up your entire person. You are creative, spiritual, intellectual, social, etc. When one part of you is out of balance, it affects the rest of you. As much as it's humanly possible, it makes sense to try to balance and bolster each area of your life. Sometimes that even involves questioning some of the things you’ve learned in the past, some of the “rules” you’ve been living by, some of the messages about yourself and about life that you have internalized. In therapy, I help do this using a combination of Gestalt (the person has a whole in the here and now), Rational Emotive Behavioral (how do feelings and thoughts influence behavior), Reality (choices create consequences), Existential (who am I, what is my purpose), Experiential (creative in the moment experiments to illustrate concepts) therapy techniques. My style is to facilitate more of a deeper awareness and deeper processing of core issues while also creating pragmatic strategies to move out of a stuck state.