Hi there. I’m Lauren, a Marriage and Family Therapist practicing virtually in New Jersey. I received my Masters in Psychology from Northcentral University and I am a 3rd year medical student. I help clients identify what areas they want to change in their lives and provide a non judgmental space to explore them. Parents of young children, LGBTQ couples, and postpartum mothers are just some of the clients I have experience in treating.
You can expect a non judgmental, open minded, yet direct approach from me in session. Maybe you are a parent of young kids and you put them to bed and pop on for a session to work on your relationship. Or, maybe you have intrusive thoughts postpartum and need someone to support you while you recover and heal.
I pride myself on coming from a place of non judgement, and find those that lead different lives than me, interesting. You are the expert in your life and my role is someone to provide clarity, reflection and tools.
I enjoy working with clients that are motivated to live a life that works for them. Maybe they have challenges in figuring it out or issues from the past. Maybe it’s a dynamic that they need help in modifying.
CBT connects your thoughts and feelings to behavior. Breaking it down and apart can help identify where to make changes, which in turn helps to prevent patterns you want to modify.
I use Gottman’s method for couple’s therapy. It helps me identify where the problem areas are within a relationship as well as provides tools to modify them. The focus is on an interaction not the person which helps to create a non judgmental space.
What works for one person may not work for another and that is why I tailor my approach to the individual.
I am a big advocate of attachment based therapy especially in parenting.