Hello! My name is Angela. Are you searching? Not sure what you are searching for? Do you feel you are missing something in your life? I partner with you to help you discover that piece that is missing in your life and help you to set goals and achieve those goals you have set for yourself. I use a unique set of training, life skills, and Native American exercises to develop a specialized program just for you. We will create a program that takes you through a holistic approach of mind, body, and soul. No matter where you feel you are we can find those blocks and set those exercises to overcome them using evidence-based modalities. I look forward to meeting with you and helping you meet your life goals and feel in those empty spaces
In our first session, we will get to know each other and from there we can set and partner your goals to simplify your life and meet your goals. There are multiple ways we can use that are comfortable for you and will help you get you where you want to be.
I specialize in working with depression, anxiety and trauma. We can discover the source of these diagnosises and find the right exercises to help you overcome the blocks these have created.
I love working with people who are looking for something in their lives. This may be to change how life is going or it may be to create a new life or meet a lifelong goal or dream.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a short-term form of behavioral treatment. It helps people problem-solve. CBT also reveals the relationship between beliefs, thoughts, and feelings, and the behaviors that follow and help to release negative thoughts.
Trauma-informed care is an approach to care that recognizes the widespread impact of trauma and promotes environments of healing and recovery. It seeks to understand and respond to the signs and symptoms of trauma in patients, families, and staff, and to avoid re-traumatization.
Jungian therapy an in-depth, analytical form of talk therapy. Its purpose is to integrate the conscious and unconscious aspects of the mind, helping individuals achieve balance and wholeness and to explore their “real” self. Wholeness of mind, body, soul.
EFT involves tapping specific points on the body, primarily on the head and the face, in a particular sequence. While doing this, the person focuses on the issue that they wish to treat. Works to reduce anxiety, depression, pain and stress.
Hypnotherapy employs the use of hypnosis an altered state of consciousness caused by little more than the power of suggestion to help facilitate behavioral and emotional change. Helps reduce anxiety, depression, stress and pin.