I’m Manisha Chulani, LMFT, and I additionally hold a PPS credential for my training as a School Psychologist. As a woman from a minority background (South Asian descent, born in Hong Kong) my clinical style is gentle, compassionate, and culturally competent. My previous professional experience working at a youth suicide hotline was when I developed my passion for helping others, and soon realized what a powerful catalyst for growth and healing I would become. My clinical work as a therapist has brought me extensive experience working in both clinical and educational settings. I provide client-centered, depth-oriented therapy. I use imagery such as dreams and images to tap into the subconscious. I also incorporate art into my sessions, as it allows creativity and more direct access to the subconscious. Whether you struggle with depression and/or anxiety or are feeling stuck in your life (or in your relationship), I am here to offer you support to feel better and make valuable changes. Therapy is a process of growth and discovery. If you want things to change, it will be necessary to start doing things differently. I am here to offer my therapeutic guidance, providing you with powerful tools for emotional and behavioral transformation as you find your way back to your happiness, as you take a deep look inward and become what you are.
We go over the intake form, go over general house-keeping (confidentiality), ideas for treatment planning and scheduling next session.
I utilize a variety of treatment methods including evidence-based practices to help clients gain skills they can use outside of sessions (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, ACT, CBT). I also incorporate a lot of hope (which may include spirituality or discussions about life and it's meaning). I add in some eastern philosophy as well depending on the client. I feel our subconscious helps us heal ourselves if we can tap into it and can talk about dreams and imagery.
I would say my biggest strength is being non-judgemental. This allows me and others to be accepted for who they are. I incorporate a strength base approach. I feel young adults are hopeful and their lives can change if they get the correct support and understanding. I enjoy working with them and sharing some of my experiences and helping them thrive. I also add in talking about dreams and imagery to help tap into the subconcsious.
I like working with young adults, preferably from an immigrant background.