Are you feeling uncomfortable and anxious about a relationship problem, work problem or just dealing with the demands of your life. Are you at a point where you have a growing concern about the impact of your anxiety, critical self talk , or depression on your life? Together we can identify what you can do to get unstuck and move forward. In your meetings with me my goal is for you to feel safe and secure. Feeling understood and becoming empowered are the first steps to becoming healthier and tackling your problems. We will work as partners to identify what needs to be different in your life and then to find ways to make this happen. Being overwhelmed with anxiety and stress are a difficult space to be in. In our meetings I want you to feel understood and together we can find ways for you to tap into solutions for yourself. Making changes in how you see and think about yourself and your situation can unlock new and surprising solutions for you.
We will work as partners in helping you to make changes in your life. This partnership begins with my showing that I have a grasp onwhat you are struggling with in your life. Working together we can mobilize your strengths to help you in the process of change. Counseling often involves learning to see things differently and practicing skills that may be unfamiliar. I want your input on the path, the approach and skills we will use to help you move forward. Mobilizing your strengths and tapping into your own resources brings confidence and openness. These are critical parts to change
I was drawn to the field of counseling to help people with emotional and stress problems. I enjoy people and enjoy being a resource for people to learn to solve their problems quickly and effectively. Watching and cultivating the process of personal growth are rewarding for me The foundation to a person being successful and happy is their perspective on their life , other people and the world. Being safe , feeling understood and connecting to other people are the cornerstones to achieving success as a person and making therapy work. I supplement cognitive behavioral therapy with polyvagal theory which helps people to become aware of the nervous system and its role in how we feel our emotions. Understanding your physical state is helpful with anxiety and other emotional issues. All emotions begin in the nervous system and to understand a little bit about our nervous system goes a long way in helping us to regulate our emotional responses.
I have a long history of working with people with depression, anxiety, relationship problems, life transitions, career and work issues.
My sessions begin with getting to know you are making sure you feel understood. Motvational interviewing emphasizes the importance of compassion, cooperation, and collaboration. Following the first couple of sessions we will discuss how best to move forward in you reaching your goals. I have experience in cognitive behavioral theapy, EMDR, and Emotion Feedom Technique
I have cognitive behavioral therapy with motivational interviewing to help people to feel accepted and understood and figure out ways of finding different ways of looking at situations.