I’m a licensed professional clinical counselor who started her degree at the University of South Florida. I’ve worked from treatment assistant to supervisor. I have worked with those suffering with substance use disorders, trauma and panic disorders and even parents of children with special needs. My goal is to help people learn real time tools to help manage intense emotions and overcome pervasive patterns that prevent healthy relationships. Since I have worked in the social services for over 20 years, I have a wealth of knowledge. Asking for help is a first step toward a better understanding and improved functioning.
During our first visit you’ll decide where you’d like to start on your journey toward wholeness. We’ll complete your evaluation and your treatment plan.
Having worked with a diverse population as well those with dual diagnosis I have the ability to help you, the client, in multiple areas; anxiety, depression, trauma, transitions, relationships and even early intervention or parenting.
If you’re ready to make changes and are open to new ideas, then you’ll have a great start towards freedom from old patterns and real time skills to reduce your distress.
I use this approach to help clients manage emotions and as a foundation prior to processing any trauma.
I use this approach only if needed and for clients with significant trauma.
This approach works best with many clients with existentixal crisis and dysfunctional/circular patterns such as DV, SUD, Gambling etc in combination with basic CBT
I’ve used this approach for the longest with those who have SUD or other compulsive behaviors such as pornography.
I’ve used this approach w client centered to build initial rapport with those primarily seeing me for career or transitional issues.