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The Causes of Postpartum Depression and How to Treat It

The Causes of Postpartum Depression and How to Treat It

Postpartum depression (PPD) affects up to one in seven women after childbirth, yet it’s often not discussed as openly as other mental health conditions. Understanding its causes, symptoms, and treatment options is crucial for supporting new mothers through this challenging time.

Therapist Dr. Jaclyn Gulotta Jaclyn Gulotta, LMHC
What Is Agoraphobia? Understanding the Causes and Treatments

What Is Agoraphobia? Understanding the Causes and Treatments

Living with agoraphobia can be challenging and lonely but you don’t have to face agoraphobia alone. By using the right tools and seeking support, you can effectively manage agoraphobia and regain control of your life.

therapist sean abraham Sean Abraham, LCSW
What Are Mood Disorders? Symptoms, Treatment, and Coping Tips

What Are Mood Disorders? Symptoms, Treatment, and Coping Tips

There are many kinds of mood disorders, all characterized by symptoms that occur in varying severity and frequency. Here we discuss some of the most common mood disorders, symptoms, and treatment options available. 

therapist sean abraham Sean Abraham, LCSW
Living with Social Anxiety Disorder: Tips and Treatment

Living with Social Anxiety Disorder: Tips and Treatment

Social anxiety disorder can significantly hinder social interactions, impacting relationships and daily functioning. This mental health condition is treatable through therapy, coping skills, and self-care strategies. Learn more about social anxiety, its symptoms, treatments, and coping strategies to navigate life with greater ease with Grow Therapy.

therapist william snyder William Snyder, LPC
What Is a Phobia? Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

What Is a Phobia? Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Phobia-related disorders create intense experiences of fear that are disproportionate to the danger level. People with phobias may worry excessively about avoiding triggering things, people, or environments. Let’s explore what they are and the different types.

therapist sean abraham Sean Abraham, LCSW
ADHD: Symptoms, Treatment, and How Therapy Can Help

ADHD: Symptoms, Treatment, and How Therapy Can Help

ADHD, a neurodevelopmental disorder, affects millions. Grow Therapy provides personalized support for managing ADHD symptoms effectively. Learn more about the symptoms and treatment here.

isbell oliva garcia grow therapy Isbell Oliva-Garcia, LMHC
A Guide to Helping Someone with Depression

A Guide to Helping Someone with Depression

Discovering depression’s silent grip demands awareness and understanding. Learn the signs, causes, and strategies for supporting loved ones.

therapist sean abraham Sean Abraham, LCSW
How to Help Someone With an Eating Disorder

How to Help Someone With an Eating Disorder

Supporting a loved one through an eating disorder can be tough, but you’re not alone. Learn about the types of disorders, recognize symptoms, and find practical ways to help. Explore guidance from Grow Therapy’s licensed counselors.

jocelyn moyet grow therapy Jocelyn Moyet, LMHC
What Is Bipolar Disorder? Everything You Need to Know

What Is Bipolar Disorder? Everything You Need to Know

Bipolar disorder (BD) affects 1-4% of people globally, causing extreme mood swings and energy shifts. With periods of high (mania) and low (major depression) moods, managing symptoms is key. Therapy, medication, and support groups can help. Find specialized therapists at Grow Therapy.

jocelyn moyet grow therapy Jocelyn Moyet, LMHC
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